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Cricket Team Turns Out in Force to Spruce Up County Ground

More than 40 people turned out to help spruce up Shrewsbury’s main cricket ground, before the start of the new season, last week.

The event, part of the national Natwest Cricket Force Day, saw members of Shrewsbury’s Beacon Cricket team turn out in force to help revitalise the County Ground at Frankwell.

Cricket Force is a national volunteer initiative, organised by the England and Wales Cricket Board, aimed at rejuvenating the nation’s cricket facilities.

Cricket Force encourages cricket supporters, and their friends and families, to give something back to their local community cricket club by volunteering to undertake renovations to club houses and grounds, typically over a special weekend before the start of the cricket season.

A record number of clubs took part in Cricket Force this year, with 1,914 registering to surpass last year’s record of 1,642.

Members of the Beacon Cricket team spent five hours painting, cleaning and litter picking at the County Ground venue.

Organiser Steve Reese said: “We started at 11am, and finished around 4pm, during the day were really pleased with the turn out from the club as we had over 40 members attend. We were fortunate with the weather and were able to carryout plenty of painting and litter-picking.”

Mike Cox, Outdoor Recreation and Asset Manager for Shrewsbury Town Council which manages the venue said: “We were delighted to assist the Beacon Cricket team as part of the Natwest Cricket Force Day, by working in partnership we can achieve so much more. We find events of this nature instil a sense of ownership and pride with the town facilities, which have significant benefits for cricket teams and other users of the facilities at the County Ground at Frankwell.

“We look forward to working in partnership with clubs and organisations in the future to further enhance Shrewsbury Town Council facilities.”

For further information contact Suzi Wilkinson, Marketing & Promotions Officer on: 01743 257654 or email