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Bloom Judging Day Approaches

Residents and businesses in Shrewsbury are being urged to get behind this year’s Heart of England in Bloom campaign.

The judges are due to arrive in the town on Wednesday [JULY 18] when hundreds of floral hanging baskets, planters and containers will be judged against exacting criteria.

Members of the public, business and civic leaders are all being asked to do their bit to enhance the town’s entry this year, particularly in light of the recent bad weather and vandalism attempts.

Helen Ball, Town Clerk for Shrewsbury Town Council said: “We have had a few setbacks this year, including vandalism to one of our large planters in the Square which was tipped over at the weekend, but we are going into this year’s competition with high hopes. We are asking everyone to get behind the campaign by holding a litter pick, tending to gardens and allotments and reporting any signs of vandalism. Let’s keep Shrewsbury blooming!”

Every year the dedicated workforce at Shrewsbury Town Council’s nursery, at Weeping Cross, spend months preparing thousands of flowers to make the town’s streets and open spaces a floral masterpiece.

Entries into the competition are usually made by District, Borough, Town or Parish Councils and vary from small villages to large cities.

These entries are then judged against ones of similar status, by independent judges, during the months of June, July and early August.

Shrewsbury returned to the competition after a short hiatus in 2009 and has scooped Gold awards for its floral excellence two years running.

This year’s results will be announced in September.

For further information contact Suzi Wilkinson, Marketing & Promotions Officer on: 01743 257654 or email