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Planning Applications


Erection of two storey side extension

Read more about 17/05192/FUL


Extension of existing nursery into adjacent priory house affecting a Grade II Listed Building

Read more about 17/05158/LBC


Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed erection of a single storey side extension and associated alterations

Read more about 17/05154/CPL


Use of existing building for retail (Class A1) operation

Read more about 17/05130/FUL


Erect and display 1No internally illuminated fascia sign, 1No internally illuminated projecting sign, 1No internally illuminated sign and 2No non-illuminated car park directional signs

Read more about 17/05056/ADV


Outline application for the erection of 6 dwellings to include access and layout

Read more about 17/05113/OUT


Works to 2No. Conifer trees protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968

Read more about 17/05106/TPO


Works to trees (see schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 17/05217/TCA


Erection of part single and part first floor rear extensions.

Read more about 17/05077/FUL


Crown reduce by 25% 2no Himalayan Birch trees (T1 & T2) and remove to ground level 1no Elder berry weed tree (T3) within the Shrewsbury conservation area.

Read more about 17/05177/TCA


Conversion of a former Congregational Church with current retail premises (use class A3) to 5 residential apartments to include terraces with glass balustrades and external fire escape with footbridge.

Read more about 17/05049/FUL


Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 15/00984/OUT for the erection of one dwelling

Read more about 17/04219/REM