Erection of single storey extension to front to form porch and additional living space
Installation of a new cast iron downpipe and hopperhead to be fitted to the front elevation affecting a Grade II Listed Building
To section fell 2no Conifer trees (in rear garden) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Conversion of roof space to bedroom with dormer window and replacement windows to front elevation
To reduce by 25% (1 metre all round) 1no 12m Norway Maple (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Proposed remodelling of existing dwelling to include demolitions of a majority of the existing dormer bungalow and re-building on an increased footprint and alterations to the roof
Erect and display 1No internally illuminated fascia sign and 1No internally illuminated projecting sign
Works to existing including shopfront retained and painted black, new tiles to stall riser and recessed ramp in grey, new section of shopfront to recessed lobby in timber with sliding entrance doors central to facade, colours and materials to match existing affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Works to existing including shopfront retained and painted black, new tiles to stall riser and recessed ramp in grey, new section of shopfront to recessed lobby in timber with sliding entrance doors central to facade, colours and materials to match existing