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Planning Applications


Crown reduction of 2no. Cherry (as per schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 22/04606/TCA


Reduce branches clear of buildings by maximum of 3 metres from 1no. Plane (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 22/04287/TCA


Erection of two storey extension and 1800mm high brick piers with low level brick infill and timber fence between to form new boundary

Read more about 22/04420/FUL


Erection of a two storey extension to the rear and single storey extension to front following removal of existing conservatory

Read more about 22/04404/FUL


Erection of single and 2 storey extension following the demolition of existing rear projection and ground floor extensions

Read more about 22/04395/FUL


Installation of 3No. replacement windows to front elevation and change in paintwork to guttering from pale grey to black, sills from pale grey to white, front door from grey to french navy, replace slate chippings path to quarry tile path, addition of half circle coping bricks to existing wall and replacement glazing to front door

Read more about 22/04051/FUL


Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 19/04389/OUT (allowed on appeal) for the development of 150No. dwellings

Read more about 22/04331/REM


Side storey extension above garage and rear extension of single dwelling

Read more about 22/04134/FUL


Extension of dropped kerbs from 2, and extension of current driveway

Read more about 22/04064/FUL


To fell 2no. Silver Birch and reduce crown by 2metres of 1no. Yew within Meole Brace Conservation Area

Read more about 22/04426/TCA


Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use from retail to residential including external works to window to the left to make the size of window to left align with the window to the right, oak window frame and sill to be retained affecting a Grade…

Read more about 22/04249/LBC


Application under Section 73A of the Town And Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use from retail to residential including external works to window to the left to make the size of window to left align with the window to the right, oak window frame and sill to be retained

Read more about 22/04248/FUL