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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Care Community At Hencote
Cross Hill

Outline application (access for consideration) for a Continuing Care Community (Use class C2) comprising up to 182 units of extra care and close care accommodation with graduated care provision in the form of lodges and apartments; a 75 bed Nursing home and Dementia unit; an amenities building providing supporting care facilities, treatment / therapy rooms, fitness pool, restaurant, small shop and site management facilities, with open space, communal gardens, nature trails, landscaping, car parking and supporting infrastructure

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council objected to this application on the same basis as their previous decision as little had changed to address any issues raised since the previous outline application was refused. Specifically, their objections were: • Overshadowing/loss of outlook to the detriment of residential amenity • Highway issues: traffic generation, vehicular access, highway safety • Adverse impact on nature conservation interests & biodiversity opportunities Members added their concerns that the development would be highly visible not just from certain parts of the town but by anyone using the Public Right of Way adjacent to this site a They also raised their strong concerns that the Visual Impact Assessment did not show any pictures of the skyline and questioned the visual receptors used in the document. They questioned if the assessor had actually visited the site and the town in order to assess the impact. The Committee also felt that there was little connectivity between the narrative provided in the application and the actual plans, and that this needed to be addressed as it felt disingenuous. The proposed site still appears reliant on the application for the North West Relief Road which had not yet been approved.