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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Residential Development Land To The West Of,
Ellesmere Road

Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant of 18/02392/OUT for residential development of 36no dwellings and formation of vehicular access

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council did not have any objections with the appearance, layout and scale of the proposal. Members supported the comments raised by SUDS in relation to the requirement for water systems in case of flooding and SC Regulatory Services in relation to possible contaminated land which needs to be confirmed in a report. Members commented that there was a lack of sustainable energy on the site and that there appeared to be no proposals for cycling parking/storage mentioned in the plans. The Town Council did not support the comment raised by SC Highways in relation to more parking spaces required as Members feel the proposed parking requirement is adequate as active travel should be encouraged from the site, particularly given its proximity to the town centre.