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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

39-40 Castle Street,

Conversion and extension of existing two storey warehouse building to provide four storey dwelling with carport and associated works

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council objects to this Planning Application on the following grounds: • Members feel that these proposals are a substantial over-development of this sensitive site within the context of adjacent designated and non-designated heritage assets. • Members feel that these proposals neither preserve nor enhance the character of the site within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area, and feel that this will have a negative impact on the Grade I Listed St Mary’s Church opposite. • Members have questioned the context of the proposed modern four-storey development within the existing historical street scene which will provide a more dominant and intrusive presence. • Members have expressed concerns that whilst the residential premises sits within a sustainable location, there is a lack of parking provision provided and that there is also a the lack of amenity space for residents. • Members feel that these proposals will have a detrimental impact and that a more sympathetic scheme would be better suited to this sensitive site and are therefore unable to support these proposals.