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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Office Building At Plot 28B
Anchorage Avenue, Shrewsbury Business Park

Reserved matters (design, appearance, layout and landscaping) pursuant to permission 11/05798/OUT (varied by 13/04585/VAR) for the erection of a two-storey office building

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council does not object to this application per se, but several comments were made regarding this application. It appears that the present designs are not exactly the original designs previously seen. Members fully support the public comments made with regards to: •The existing tree screening between the proposal and the gardens on Wenlock Road should stay. •There is no mention of renewable energy within the plans, this is something that should be considered at the beginning of the development. •There is a non - development buffer zone from the tree screening, but plans show it starts immediately to the tree screening. •Members have concerns regarding overlooking issues for neighbouring properties. Can distances be checked to ensure there will be no issues regarding privacy/overlooking? •Need to ensure adequate screening and if anything can be done regarding the glass. •Members would like to see more details regarding the installation of electric charging points. It states in the future but these should be in place from the beginning of the development.