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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Dwelling On The East Side Of Primrose Drive

Erection of a self-build dwelling and formation of vehicular access

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council views this application as an attempt to shoe-horn a property in too small a plot which would in effect have a detrimental impact on the local area and its amenity. Members object to this application on the following grounds: • The proposed property represents an over-development of the site in a backland development and is not in-keeping with the existing street scene. • Members feel that these overbearing proposals would lead to a loss of privacy for neighbouring properties •Members also question whether the driveway provides enough space to turn a vehicle to allow access and egress from the site in forward gear and an expectation of reversing onto a road at the crown of a bend puts the safety of that driver and other road users at risk. Following re-consultation on 03.09.2020, Members have considered the amended plans, and the Town Council maintain their objections to this application. • The proposed property still represents an over-development of the site in a backland development and is not in-keeping with the existing street scene. • Members feel that these overbearing proposals would lead to a loss of privacy for neighbouring properties. • Members state that the proposed driveway is a risk to the general public and other road users. • The submitted plans have not altered the original design, as the only amendments are the re-positioning of the driveway.