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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Office Units At Plot 28A
Anchorage Avenue, Shrewsbury Business Park

Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant of 11/05798/OUT for the erection of a terrace of four 3-storey office units, associated ground works, parking, cycle provision and landscaping scheme (Plot 28A)

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council objects to this planning application on the following grounds: * Members feel that Wenlock Road is a residential street with a pleasing architectural design and that the brutal architecture of the proposed office blocks, at such a key position, is not in-keeping with the existing street scene of the adjacent residential properties. * Members also feel that the proposals to have 4-storey buildings on this site represent an over-development in terms of height in relation to the neighbouring residential properties. * Members expressed concerns at the lack of car parking spaces provided in the proposals. * Members would like to see provisions for renewable energy, in the form of ground heat source, to be included in the plans.