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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

9 Oakley Street

Erection of two storey side extension following removal of prefabricated garage and widening of drive way

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council objects to this planning application on the following grounds: • Members feel that the proposed extension is an over-development of the site in terms of its bulk, complexity of design and lack of subservience to the existing dwelling and will be out of scale and character with both the existing property and the neighbouring properties; • Members expressed concerns that the proposals will breach the existing building line of the neighbouring properties and create a terracing effect; adversely affecting a very traditional and beautiful street layout • Members have concerns that the proposed extension, which will abut the neighbouring property, will impact on the neighbour’s privacy and will reduce their access to natural light to the rear; • There are also concerns that vehicle access to the property will create traffic issues on a blind bend and respectfully request that Shropshire Council’s Highways Officer re-visits these plans. • Members wish to stress they are not opposed to development. Oakley Street is a very beautiful street with a number of sympathetic extensions; this is not one.------------------------------------ At the meeting on 17.09.19, the Town Council has considered amended plans for this site and fails to see how the amendments have addressed the following areas: * This extension is domineering over both the existing property, the attached property and the street scene scale at large * this extension continues to exceed the curved profile of the building line around the corner and is contrary to restrictive covenants of the original property dating back to 1935. * This extension intrudes the street line along Oakley Street. * Whilst this development site does not lie within the Belle Vue conservation, it's proximity is so near that due cognisance should be given to the need to preserve and enhance the Conservation Area. * The Council reiterates the fact that it is not averse to development on this site, but this is one of the most beautiful streets in Shrewsbury and whilst there have been sympathetic extensions this is not one. * The Council requests that given the material conditions of these objections this application should not be dealt with under delegated powers and should be considered by the Northern Planning Committee