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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Land SW Of Belmont Bank House
Belmont Bank

Erection of 1no dwelling : 10no garages; 1no flat above the garages; single storey extension to the rear of Belmont Bank House and alterations to the rear South East elevation of number 4 Belmont.

Application Date:
Application Notes:
Whilst the Town Council does not object to the principle of development at this location, Members have expressed the following concerns: - that this development has the potential to cause disruption to people using The Hive, adjacent to this site, and would like to see the developer include suitable soundproofing within the plans to avoid potential future problems with noise complaints; - that the developer includes provision for child protection issues by including plans to use frosted glass in any windows which overlook the site; - that the developer provides a construction management plan in relation to the times for building work in a residential area and how construction traffic will access the site down the narrow lane leading to the site; - Members feel that the residential dwelling is inappropriate for the location and an overdevelopment of this part of the site. They also have concerns over the cladding to be used and respectfully request that Shropshire Council's Conservation Officer looks into the suitability of the proposed materials in a Conservation Area. Members feel that there are some good proposals and were pleased to see that the garage roofs will have sedum plants.