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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Units
Longden Road

Erection of building (comprising of 3No. separate units) for flexible B1, B2 and B8 use including all associated external works to form car parking and yard areas; formation of access

Application Date:
Application Notes:
Whilst the Town does not object to the principle of development of non-residential properties in this area, it has concerns around the cumulative impact of further non-residential properties in this area, particularly given there is now a 170-house development being developed directly opposite this site. Members therefore ask that the following should be conditioned as part of any approval: 1. There is substantial reinstatement to compensate for the loss of trees that have already been removed from site; 2. That the public footway is maintained alongside the western side of the development; 3. That the developer provides a footway (to the north of the site) accessible to residents of Sweet Lake development, enabling them to access nursery provision on Sweet Lake Business Park; 4. That use be limited to B1 and B8 and strict times of operation be included in any final planning decision. If the above cannot be conditioned as part of any approval, then the Town Council is in objection to the scheme as presented.