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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Proposed Residential Development West Of Bryn Road
The Mount

Reserved Matters pursuant to outline permission reference 14/00743/OUT for residential development to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Planning Authority are aware that the Town Council objected to this development at outline and members have been somewhat surprised by the decision of the Inspector to grant approval.  Members would wish to bring to the attention of the Planning Authority the Inspector’s conditions as to approval of outline and question whether these reserved matters have taken cognisance of those conditions.  This site is of great importance to the town in terms of its vistas being on one of the major gateways to the town but also from the river.  The site is also hugely important in terms of a natural habitat for the area.  The topography of the land is such that these properties shall have an overbearing impact on the area and the scale of the buildings together with what members feel unnecessary brick walls surrounding the properties creates an overly urban feel to an area which is a location where country meets and transforms into town. *As ever members are always conscious about drainage and of late has had to take an even greater interest in drainage schemes. The geology reports are such that SUDs scheme that we have come to expect cannot be used on this site. But that does not give carte blanche to see run off from the site directly into the River Severn. We spend too much time determining whether the river has an impact on any development; in this case we feel that consideration needs to be given as to the impact this development has on the river and its ability to mitigate from flooding further downstream where we have to protect the town from flooding. *Whilst we accept that development will be inevitable we would wish to see less density and mass and a greater cognisance of the natural habitat on site and its ability to continue to thrive. We would also wish to see pathways through the site which would allow residents to enjoy the Severn Way and potentially provide those with disabilities and mobility problems great access to the river footpaths.