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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Land Adj 1 Kingston Drive

Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved for the erection of a 3 bedroomed detached dwelling.

Application Date:
Application Notes:
The Town Council objects to this application for the following reasons: Policy CS6 (Core Strategy) promotes good development which protects, restores, conserves and enhances the area. This application does not accord with such policy for the following reasons: 1) Whilst fronting the highway, members feel this constitutes back land development which harms the setting and context of both the existing property and the proposed dwelling, compromising the amenity value of both properties; 2) The development will have a detrimental impact on the character, streetscene and appearance of the locality; 3) This development will impact on the neighbouring properties in terms of their rights to privacy, particularly given the layout so close to neighbouring boundaries; 4) This development will impact on the visibility splays of the highway, accessibility of the site and parking in the locality.