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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

9 Shoplatch

Application to vary Condition No 4 attached to Planning Permission 09/00505/COU dated 08 July 2009 Change of use from A1/A2 to A3/A4 wine bar and cafe (hours of opening).

Application Date:
Application Notes:
This is a perfect example whereby there are anomalies between the various regulatory permissions and members have sympathy with the applicant who wants to have some clarity between his planning permission for use of his premises and his licensing permissions. Members are not averse to some extension to his opening hours but they remain conscious that the location within the town centre does offer residential accommodation to more people than in other parts of the town. Members would view that similar opening hours to neighbouring establishments such as Hole in the Wall and Morgan’s should provide a suitable compromise. It should however be pointed out that this permission should be in relation to the operation of his business within his premises and should not be seen as permissions for his clientele to overspill onto the pavement.