Greenfields Community Woodland
Greenfields Community Woodland at 0.7Ha in size is one of the Countryside Team’s smaller sites. Created in the 1990s using a Forestry Commission grant and planted largely by volunteers, the site sits within the larger Greenfields recreation ground which includes a playing field, play area, multi sports court, BMX track, car park and numerous benches and bins.
The main habitat is native deciduous broadleaved woodland and woodland edge. There is also a small boggy area on the north side of the site and the site is separated from the Old River Bed (a SSSI) by the playing field.
Being a recently planted woodland and surrounded by a formal recreation area, rail line and buildings would lead you to believe wildlife would be scarce. Nevertheless, the Countryside Team have seen various species of birds and there are also records for some butterflies including speckled wood and small white.
The site is located on an old rubbish dump and because of that, people digging for old bottles can be a problem here. Those digging have little care for what is above ground and can damage tree roots and destroy ground flora as well as leaving dangerous pits in the ground.
How to get there
The site can be accessed from Falstaff Street, from Spring Gardens via the track behind the Flax mill, from Hubert way along the cycle path or from Hemsworth way cycle path.
The site is generally dry, the paths around the Recreation area are tarmacked. There is a woodchip path that runs around the back of the woodland.
Car parking
Car parking is available in the car park at the end of Falstaff Street
Location / Grid reference
Greenfields Park, off Falstaff Street, SY1 2 / The grid reference for the site centre is SJ 496 139
The post code for Falstaff Street is SY1 2QN.